All Success Stories
Conserving the Heart of Salmon Country 2023
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) will use these funds to help acquire a conservation easement on 1,425 acres of the Hanging T Ranch, located in the heart…

IDFG Fishing Trailer 2023
The Idaho Dept of Fish and Game will use these funds to update their fishing trailer which is used for their aquatic education…

Warm Springs Creek/Boise River Enhancement 2023
These Idaho Wildlife Federation funds will be used to restore the aquatic and riparian area in Warm Springs Creek at its confluence with the Boise…
Enhancing & Maintaining Mule Deer Winter Range & Public Access in Pocatello 2023
The Sagebrush Steppe Land Trust was awarded funds to improve the kiosk and parking area of the Century Heights Preserve which encompasses 166 acres…

Exploring DNA Metabarcoding to Understand Diet in Declining Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse 2023
Boise State University was awarded funds to study the diet of Sharp-tailed Grouse and how the food habits are associated with management strategies…
Phase III – Red Ives Creek Wood Placement 2023
Trout Unlimited, the St. Joe Ranger District and Idaho Panhandle National Forest are partnering to help restore the Red Ives Creek to diversify…

Piquet Ranch Riparian Restoration 2023
Friends of the Teton will use this grant to restore valuable Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout habitat, water equality, connectivity, and function in a…
IDFG Wildlife Viewing Guides
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game will use these funds to develop, print and distribute new wildlife watching guides regionally to provide the…

2023 Bear Spray Giveaway
The American Bear Foundation will use grant funding to purchase approximately 700 cans of bear spray and 200 cans of inert spray. Bear Spray…
Indian Fork Stream Restoration – IDFG
This project will help improve the riparian area and floodplain connectivity of Indian Fork, the largest tributary of Tex Creek WMA. This work will…