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Upper Snake

26 projects found in this region. Select a project for more information.

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Piquet Ranch Riparian Restoration 2023

Friends of the Teton will use this grant to restore valuable Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout habitat, water equality, connectivity, and function in a…

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2023 Bear Spray Giveaway

The American Bear Foundation will use grant funding to purchase approximately 700 cans of bear spray and 200 cans of inert spray. Bear Spray…

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Indian Fork Stream Restoration – IDFG

This project will help improve the riparian area and floodplain connectivity of Indian Fork, the largest tributary of Tex Creek WMA. This work will…

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The Mayfly Project – Idaho Falls Chapter

The Idaho Falls Mayfly Project will serve 9 children in foster care that reside at a local group home. Through 5 mentoring sessions, they teach the…

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Friend of the Teton River – Teton River Headwaters Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout Habitat Restoration

This project will restore valuable Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout (YCT) spawning and rearing habitat, water quality, and function in a headwaters…

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Teton Regional Land Trust – Teton Creek Corridor Project – Interpretive Signage

This project was funded for interpretive signage along the Teton Creek Corridor Project trail system. This project builds on the previously IFWF…

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Western Bear Foundation – 2021 Bear Spray Giveaway

The Western Bear Foundation will distribute a can of free bear spray to sportsmen who hunt and fish in the bear habitat of Eastern Idaho. Having bear…

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Friends of the Teton River – Buxton River Park Habitat Restoration

Buxton River Park Habitat Restoration - This streambank stabilization and habitat restoration project is located on the 80-acre property that…

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Sand Creek Campground Bear Conflict Mitigation – IDFG (Region 6)

To reduce bear and human encounters and conflicts thereby providing for user safety and the protection of grizzly bear.  The goal is to increase…

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Teton Regional Trust – Teton Creek Corridor Restoration & Enhancement

This project was funded to restore and enhance approximately 24 acres of riparian habitat and 38 acres of upland habitat along the Teton Creek…