IDFG Region 5 – Blackfoot River WMA Fisheries Habitat Restoration Project Phase 3

The Idaho Fish and Game was awarded funding to help complete the third phase (final phase) of the Blackfoot River Wildlife Management Area (WMA) Fisheries Habitat Restoration Project.  The WMA has suffered extensive damage due to past land practices, yet still supports a quality Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout population and recreational fishery.  The restoration along six miles of Blackfoot River contained within the WMA will result in a 400% increase in the YCT population in this area, and increase angler use and satisfaction of this unique resource.  The Blackfoot River WMA is owned and managed by IDFG and provides a valuable resource to the citizens of Southeast Idaho: it supports the mission of IDFG by providing wildlife based recreation including fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife viewing, photography, and (as a result of collaboration between the local grazing association and IDFG) an area to demonstrate how controlled grazing can benefit fish and wildlife resources.