Help preserve Idaho's wild heritage. Plan a legacy gift today.
Help keep Idaho wild, use a bequest of money, securities, personal or real property to preserve and sustain Idaho’s wildlife heritage.
What kind of gift would you like to make?
Unrestricted gifting
To make a gift through your will you can include the following language in your will:
I hereby bequeath to the Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Inc. (IRS EIN #82-0439782), an Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose principal office is located in Boise, Idaho, the sum of $__________, to be used for such purposes as the Board of Directors of such organization, in its discretion, shall direct.
Restricted gifting
To make a gift through your will you can include the following language in your will:
I hereby bequeath to the Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Inc. (IRS EIN #82-0439782), an Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose principal office is located in Boise, Idaho, the sum of $__________, to be used for the specific purpose of _________________________; however, if in the event the specific purpose should no longer be necessary or appropriate, I give the Board of Directors of such organization the authority to use the bequest for such purposes as the said Board of Directors, in its discretion, shall direct.
Residual gifting
To make a gift through your will you can include the following language in your will:
I hereby bequeath to the Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Inc. (IRS EIN #82-0439782), an Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose principal office is located in Boise, Idaho, after specific bequests have been fulfilled, all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real and personal (to be used for such purposes as the Board of Directors of such organization, in its discretion, shall direct) or (to be used for the specific purpose of _________________________; however, if in the event the specific purpose should no longer be necessary or appropriate, I give the Board of Directors of such organization the authority to use the bequest for such purposes as the said Board of Directors, in its discretion, shall direct).
Gifts of stocks, bonds, other securities or personal property
To make a gift through your will you can include the following language in your will:
To bequeath stocks, bonds, other securities, personal or real property, substitute in place of “the sum of $ _______” in your will, both 1) the name of your securities or personal property and 2) the number of shares or other descriptors of the securities or personal property, or the legal description of the real property).
Gifts of your 401(k) or IRA accounts
To make a gift through your will you can include the following language in your will:
You may also consider making a gift of or from your Section 401(k) or IRA accounts under the IRS laws that allow one to make a gift of or from their 401(k) or IRA account to an Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) public charity which generally is made tax free to the charity.

Disclosures and other information:
The Idaho Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Inc. is not registered to do business in any state outside of Idaho and has not registered to solicit donations in any state.
The Foundation reserves the right to accept or reject securities or property, both personal and real property that is deemed unacceptable to the Foundation by the Board of Directors.
Speaking to reputable financial or legal advisors is important to help you decide which gift is best for you and your family. You may also contact the Foundation staff for a confidential discussion of your legacy gifting options. The Foundation provides general information only and it is not engaged in providing accounting, tax or legal advice on specific matters. If such assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
If you complete your estate plan and include the Foundation, please let us know. While we are honored to acknowledge your contribution, we also respect any desire you may have for anonymity.
If you desire to receive a copy of the Foundation’s IRS exemption letter, we will be happy to provide one upon request or you may go to the website “” which provides information on nonprofit organizations for free, to verify that the Foundation is an Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3) organization.